Longevity Bottlenecks

The LBF community is dedicated to accelerating progress towards solving aging. While the field has made substantial advances in the past decade, there remain many large systemic bottlenecks to progress - and little has been done to address them.

As a first step to addressing these bottlenecks we attempted to map them and bring them into limelight. We aimed to establish an empirical, systematic, rigorous, and minimally biased methodology. To do so, we surveyed 400 participants across various sectors of longevity, asking them for their personal bottlenecks and desired solutions in a combination of structured and free-form questions. From the 1000s of answers, we built a classification system of Bottlenecks and Solutions and tabulated the frequency of each. The result is a first-of-a-kind taxonomy of the bottlenecks to progress and desired solutions for the longevity space.

On this page you’ll find the main takeaways of this work. For more detail, see our preprint paper, explore the answers in our interactive site, or access the full dataset for your own analysis.

Most importantly, build solutions! Either DIY or consider joining our community of mission aligned, talented scientists, engineers, investors, and operators!

I. The biggest bottlenecks are:

A lack of validated aging biomarkers; a lack of funding; a lack of good aging models; and a lack of a defined regulatory path for aging interventions.

In your work in aging, what are the biggest bottlenecks you currently face?

Figure 1. Top 15 bottlenecks, and a summary of all bottlenecks across all participants.  The area of the bubble is proportional to the number of answers.

II. Different professions have different bottlenecks

In your work in aging, what are the biggest bottlenecks you currently face?

Figure 2. Profession-specific bottlenecks.

III. The most requested solution is:

More and better access to data

If it was available, which one tool, resource, or regulatory/social/other type of change would have the biggest positive impact on your work?

Figure 3. Summary and top 15 most needed solutions across all participants.

IV. People are most optimistic about:

Reprogramming, genetic medicine, and replacement

For each intervention, how many years of life do you think they will add to the average lifespan of generally healthy people in 5, 10, and 25 years of research?

Figure 4. Perceived efficacy of interventions in the short-term, mid-term and long-term across all participants. Each dot represents one individual answer.

V. Most people want to live to:

100 years or indefinitely

Assuming continuous good health, how long would you want to live?

Figure 5. Personal longevity goals of participants.

Explore the Data

Visit our interactive site or access the full data and see how different members of the longevity community responded

Read the Full Paper

Check out the preprint of our paper for our detailed analysis of the data.

Meet the Authors

Join the LBF

Our community of mission-aligned, talented scientists, engineers, investors, and operators are supporting each other to building solutions and accelerate progress on solving aging.
